Small animal veterinary case study – Tizzy the collie

History & signalment
Tizzy is a 10y.o. FN Collie with a 4-month history of haematuria. The owner had noticed blood towards the end of the urinary stream on multiple occasions. Some blood clots had been identified in the urine. Some reduction in the frequency of haematuria was noted following treatment with antibiotics, but recurred following their cessation. Tizzy was somewhat lethargic but appetite and thirst were stable. Tizzy had been diagnosed as diabetic 2 years earlier and diabetic control was fairly good on twice daily lente insulin.

Physical examination
On clinical examination Tizzy was bright and alert and in overweight body condition. Mucous membranes were pink and moist. Thoracic auscultation was unremarkable. Abdominal palpation was also unremarkable with no signs of pain. Peripheral lymph nodes were not enlarged.

Haematology was unremarkable and platelet count was within normal limits. Clotting times were also unremarkable. Blood biochemistry initially revealed azotaemia, but urine SG was increased (urine SG 1.040), making a pre-renal cause more likely. Azotaemia had resolved by the next blood check and SDMA was measured which showed no evidence of kidney issues.

Imaging findings
An abdominal ultrasound was performed, followed by some abdominal radiographs. Images of the urinary bladder are shown. Renal ultrasound was unremarkable.

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