Curious about the ultrasound behind Cody’s videos? Look no further. Cody has always relied on Easi-Scan to provide him a durable ultrasound with clear images.

As soon as IMV imaging launched their new wireless ultrasound, Easi-Scan:Go, Cody experimented in the field.

“Honestly I was skeptical, I’m pretty picky with ultrasounds. I expected a lag and decreased image quality because of the ‘Wifi’ connection. I also thought the BUGs would be a bit unbalanced and heavy. I was blown away and loved it, the headset is great! Great image quality, easy to use, and lessened my overall fatigue by fitting so well and being so light.

You guys have really created something special.”

-Cody Creelman

For a free trial or demo of this ultrasound equipment, please fill out the form below.

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