
Sheep scanning video 4 of 4 – Identifying lamb with the Ovi-Scan

Watch this video below: Identifying lamb with Ovi-Scan part 4

This is the fourth and final in a series of instructional videos explaining how to scan sheep for pregnancy. In this video, Duncan Kennedy, Sheep Scanning Instructor with Progressive Animal Services Ltd, explains how to identify lamb when scanning with the Ovi-Scan ultrasound scanner.

This is the fourth and final in a series of instructional videos explaining how to scan sheep for pregnancy. In this video, Duncan Kennedy, Sheep Scanning Instructor with Progressive Animal Services Ltd, explains how to identify lamb when scanning with the Ovi-Scan ultrasound scanner.

Please note the quality of image shown on this video is not of standard of that of the Ovi-Scan ultrasound scanner.

The video was shot at an IMV imaging (previously BCF Technology) sheep scanning training course, run and organised by Progressive Animal Services Ltd. The trainers were Duncan Kennedy and Bruce Gallacher. Many thanks to both for their help with these videos.

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