
The use of ultrasound in the rearing of quality heifers

John Dawson MRCVS discusses the benefits of using ultrasound in the rearing of quality heifers.

Monday, September 21, 2015

John Dawson MRCVS discusses the benefits of using ultrasound in the rearing of quality heifers.

With a large amount of the farm budget coming from heifer rearing, having high quality heifers without any problems is essential to the success of the farm.

Many tools are available when rearing and purchasing to help ensure high quality, high producing young stock. Ultrasound is one such tool, with benefits throughout the heifer’s life to aid in the diagnosis of life threatening or production-impeding conditions.

Ultrasound can be used with heifers to diagnose heart conditions, diagnose different umbilical swellings, assess if there has been previous lung damage, and much more.

The article includes topics such as reproduction, in-active and over-active ovaries, umbilical swelling and more.

To view it please click here.

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