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Endoscopy and endoscopes have revolutionized veterinary medicine. Empowering veterinarians with a non-invasive and highly effective means of diagnosing and treating a diverse array of medical conditions in animals. These slender, flexible instruments, equipped with cameras and light sources, enable veterinarians to directly visualize internal structures. Reducing the reliance on exploratory surgeries and enhancing diagnostic precision.

Gastrointestinal endoscopy stands as a prime example of the transformative power of endoscopy in veterinary practice. Veterinarians employ gastrointestinal endoscopes to meticulously examine the oesophagus, stomach, and intestines in search of ulcers, foreign objects, tumours, and inflammatory conditions. Simultaneously, they can conduct biopsies during these procedures, ensuring accurate diagnoses of gastrointestinal disorders.

In equine medicine, endoscopy plays a pivotal role in the evaluation of the upper airway of horses, crucial for diagnosing conditions such as laryngeal hemiplegia and dorsal displacement of the soft palate. Moreover, equine gastroscopy, made possible by endoscopy, is instrumental in diagnosing prevalent gastric ulcers in horses.

Reproductive medicine also benefits from endoscopy, with applications in both large and small animals. Mares undergo endoscopic examinations for diagnosing uterine conditions, while in dogs, endoscopy aids in retrieving ova for in vitro fertilization.

Endoscopy and endoscopes have become indispensable tools in veterinary medicine, enhancing diagnostic capabilities and providing minimally invasive treatment options. Ultimately, they contribute significantly to the overall health and well-being of animals under veterinary care.

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