Introduction to abdominal ultrasound online video

At IMV imaging, we are committed to promoting clinical learning opportunities in diagnostic imaging to members of the veterinary profession. Vet, Kimberly Palgrave, has developed a series of online instructional videos demonstrating how to perform a basic abdominal ultrasound examination in small animal patients using a step by step approach.

These 3-5 minute videos also cover how to alter the controls on your ultrasound machine to get the most out of your equipment.

Video 1 – Introduction and ultrasound machine controls
Video 2 – The ultrasound probe
Video 3 – Patient preparation for an abdominal ultrasound exam
Video 4 – Ultrasound exam of the liver
Video 5 – Ultrasound exam of the spleen
Video 6 – Ultrasound exam of the kidney
Video 7 – Ultrasound exam of the urinary bladder
Video 8 – Ultrasound exam of the abdominal GI tract
Video 9 – Completing the abdominal ultrasound exam

Watch the complete video series now >>

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