Small animal advanced abdominal ultrasound online videos

At IMV we are committed to promoting clinical learning opportunities in diagnostic imaging to members of the veterinary profession.

Ben Sullivan, (previously our Clinical Manager) has developed a series of advanced instructional videos demonstrating how to perform an advanced ultrasound examination of the small animal abdomen.

These videos follow on from our earlier series of basic small animal abdominal videos which show the basics of ultrasound scanning. If you are just starting out watch the basic series first then move on to the advanced series.

The 3-5 minute videos cover notoriously trickier views including aorta and vena cava, adrenal glands and lymph nodes.  

Video 1 – Introduction

Video 2 – The Aorta and Vena Cava

Video 3 – The Left Adrenal Gland

Video 4 – The Right Adrenal Gland

Video 5 – Medial Iliac Lymph Nodes

Video 6 – Jejunal Lymph Nodes

Video 7 – The Body of the Pancreas

Video 8 – The Left Limb of the Pancreas

Video 9 – The Right Limb of the Pancreas

Video 10 – Summary

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