Small Animal Cardiac Ultrasound Online Video Series

Check out below: Small Animal Cardiac Ultrasound

Free online videos showing how to conduct a basic cardiac ultrasound examination in small animals are now available.

At IMV imaging (previously BCF Technology) we are fully committed to veterinary learning and helping you get the very most out of your ultrasound equipment.

Vet Kimberly Palgrave BS BVM&S GPCert(DI) MRCVS presents a series of free online instructional step-by-step videos demonstrating how to perform a basic cardiac ultrasound examination in the general practice setting.

These videos were produced in collaboration with The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, The University of Edinburgh and we are very grateful for their assistance and technical expertise.

Video 1 – Introduction to performing an echo.

Video 2 – Equipment and preparation.

Video 3 – Ultrasound machine setup

Video 4 – Right parasternal long axis 4 chamber view

Video 5 – Right parasternal long axis 5 chamber view

Video 6 – Right parasternal short axis view (papillary muscles)

Video 7 – Right parasternal short axis view (mitral valve)

Video 8 – Right parasternal short axis view (LA and aortic valve)

Video 9 – Overview of standard right-sided views

Video 10 – Summary of the cardiology videos

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