Small animal guided needle biopsy techniques video series

New free online video series by Ben Sullivan BVSc MRCVS showing how to take fine needle aspirations and core tissue biopsies.

At BCF Technology (now IMV imaging) we are fully committed to veterinary learning and helping you get the very most out of your ultrasound equipment.

IMV in-house vet Ben Sullivan BVSc MRCVS presents a series of free online instructional step-by-step videos demonstrating how to take fine needle aspirations and core tissue biopsies.



Video 1 – How to make a practice model

Video 2 – Indications for FNAs and Core Tissue Biopsies


Video 3 – Patient preparation

Video 4 – Sampling Technique – FNA

Video 5 – Sampling Technique – Core Tissue Biopsy

Video 6 – What to do if you lose the needle

Video 7 – Potential complications

Video 8 – Conclusions

To view our online and practical CPD courses visit our new Online Learning Platform >

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