The use of transrectal ultrasonography in camel reproduction

Read this free article below: Transrectal ultrasonography camel reproduction

The article discusses how ultrasound can be used to examine the genital tract of many species, including camels.

We recently featured in an article in Arab Agriculture magazine entitled. “The Use of Transrectal Ultrasonography in Camel Reproduction Using an Easi-Scan Curve Portable Ultrasound Machine”. written by Dr. Julian (Lulu) Skidmore – the Scientific Director of the Camel Reproduction Centre in Dubai.

Dr Skidmore leads a team of scientists covering all aspects of camel reproduction. Including embryo transfer, AI (Artificial Insemination) and hybridisation of New and Old World Camelids. She joined the Camel Reproduction Centre in 1994, as a post-graduate student. Successfully completing her PhD, titled “Reproduction in the Dromedary Camel”. 

The article discusses how ultrasound can be used to examine the genital tract of many species, including camels. And how it can help identify pregnancy, detect and diagnose genital tract disease. The article goes into further detail about examination for reproductive soundness, the examination of follicular dynamics, and how to diagnose pregnancy in camels.

The full article can be downloaded here.

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