Masterclass: Advanced Abdominal Techniques with Diagnostic Imaging Specialists (17/10/24)

IMV imaging Courses 2024

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Masterclass: Advanced Abdominal Techniques with Diagnostic Imaging Specialists

Course Overview: 

Aimed at veterinary surgeons who are comfortable with basic abdominal ultrasonography and who want to take their skills a step further, this one-day course, held under the expert tuition of a diagnostic imaging specialist, will teach you to refine your technique and enable you to tackle the trickier abdominal organs. Plenty of pathological examples and interpretation of pathological changes are covered, equipping you with examples to take back into practice.

The day comprises a combination of lectures and practical sessions, aiming to give you as much hands-on time using an ultrasound machine as possible, in smaller groups than for our other courses.

Throughout the course we will learn the normal and pathological appearance of the adrenal glands, pancreas and lymph nodes, with a more in-depth approach to examining the gastrointestinal tract.

You will learn the landmarks to guide you to the organs with a more subtle ultrasonographic appearance and you will examine the anatomy of the abdominal vasculature including the use of Doppler ultrasonography. The day will finish with ultrasound-guided FNA techniques.

Topics Covered:

  • Get even more comfortable with the GI tract – learn to find your way around the pylorus, small intestine (including duodenum and ileum), ileocaecocolic junction and colon
  • Where to find the adrenal glands including relevant anatomical landmarks
  • Learn the landmarks that help us to locate the pancreas and how to identify normal vs abnormal
  • Find and examine the major blood vessels and abdominal lymph nodes
  • Practice some ultrasound-guided FNAs
  • Put it into practice – use the techniques and knowledge gained on the day to practice your ultrasound skills on real dogs

Available Dates: Hilton, Bath (17th October 2024)

Speaker: Esther Barret MA VetMB CertVR DipECVDI DVDI MRCVS (17th October)

CPD Hours: 6 hours

Cost: £600 (ex VAT)

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