
Gavin Mitchell

Global Companion Animal Director

Gavin Mitchell

My name is Gavin Mitchell, Director at IMV imaging since February 2001.

I have found myself doing many things over the last ten years helping lead IMV imaging to consistent year on year growth. My role includes leading my team to provide the best products and services to veterinary practices. Ultimately the buck stops here, but I get great satisfaction developing a brilliant team of dedicated staff who want to deliver the best customer service.

My previous roles in IMV imaging have included developing our distributors throughout the world. I spend the vast majority of my time today working on the strategic development of our business and maintaining relationships with our key suppliers.

My spare time is busy, enjoying cycling, kayaking, sailing, hill walking and a wee bit of running. I frequently have a camera in my hand and have a weak spot for cars.

Please feel free to contact me. I would be happy to help.

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