
Jack Pye

Account Manager

Jack Pye

In 2023, I joined IMV imaging. Having previously collaborated with IMVi as a brand ambassador and nurse consultant speaker, I was drawn to their shared values of supporting and empowering veterinary professionals in diagnostic imaging. It also was obvious how passionate they were as a company in supporting veterinary nurse’s!

I initially started out as covering the midlands territory for all of your Endoscopy needs, I now also look after X-ray and Ultrasound in the East Midlands area too.

I became a qualified veterinary nurse in 2018 and transitioned into emergency & critical care, working at a bustling small animal hospital during out-of-hours shifts. By 2022, I had earned my certificate in Emergency & Critical Care. Currently, I’m pursuing a certificate in diagnostic imaging, due for completion in 2025. Additionally, I lecture on ultrasound modules for the nurse certificate in diagnostic imaging.

I still carry out clinical work as a locum veterinary nurse when I’m not working for IMV as I enjoy the clinical workload and being hands on with ultrasound and different cases.

If you have any enquiries please feel free to get in contact with me by completing the below form:

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My specialty is ultrasonography, and I create clinical content to empower veterinary professionals to use ultrasound effectively for patient care. I regularly share my experiences and ultrasonography content on my social media platforms (@Pye_rvn) to encourage and support the development of other veterinary professionals.

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