Stewart Findlay
Test Technician/QMR

Hi, my name is Stewart Findlay, I work within the Supply Chain function of the IMV imaging own product business unit.
I started at IMV imaging, June 2009.
My main function is testing and debugging IMV imaging own brand product, maintaining in-house production test equipment and test jigs that we have installed in our PCB sub-contract manufacturers sites.
I also liaise with our PCB (Printed Circuit Board assembly) contractors on all aspects of quality and test. All our PCB assemblies are manufactured to IPC-J and IPC-A-610 industry standards.
I conduct internal audits (ISO9001-2008), arrange calibration of in-house test equipment, and raise Non-conformance and Corrective Action reports.
I have worked within the electronics industry for the past thirty years (gulp, has it been that long?).
Qualifications include an ONC in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and a HNC in computing.
I enjoy using my motorcycles, when the Scottish weather allows.
Please feel free to contact me.